CAR ECONOMY: How To Reduce Car Expenses

For many people, owning and taking care of a car is a very expensive thing, but does it really have to be like that? The simple answer to this question is no. Of course, there are some car expenses that you cannot avoid, but this doesn’t mean that you have to invest in unnecessary things or that you cannot cut these expenses.

So, are you ready to find out how to reduce car expenses so that you can use the savings on something that you really need? The tips we’ll share here in this article will probably save you enough money to visit the movie theater more frequently or even spend more weekends out of your town.

With the help of this guide, you will learn:

  • How to cut short-term and long-term car expenses
  • Suggestions to get the most from your car without breaking the bank
  • Identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses

Are you ready to become a well-informed car owner? Here are a few tips that can help you reduce car expenses right away.

1. Take care of the car yourself

We all know that cars require regular maintenance in order to stay in shape. The best way to ensure that the car is maintained properly is to visit a local car repair shop. However, there a few things that you can do yourself, without paying the mechanic for the service.

For instance, it’s a good idea to change the wipers yourself. You can find wipers in specialized shops where you can purchase car parts, gas stations or even order them online. They usually have a manual that can help you replace the old ones with the ones without any hassles. If something doesn’t go right, you can use online tutorials.

In addition to the wipers, you should probably be able to do a few other maintenance tasks yourself like replacing the air filter, tires, and battery. These activities might take some of your time, but they will definitely reduce car expenses.

  • Leave major maintenance to professional mechanics
  • Conduct minor maintenance on your own
  • Changing battery, wipers, air filter, and tires are some of the things that you should be able to do yourself

2. Check your insurance

We have already mentioned that there are some car expenses that people can’t avoid. You should be aware of these expenses before buying a car. One of these expenses is car insurance. Every car owner needs insurance if they want to drive their car legally.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t reduce car expenses by getting the best car insurance offer. So, take some time to check the offers provided by insurance companies and focus on the best rates.

In addition, you can also find many discounts online or discounts for which you are eligible. At the same time, you can cut some of the optional features. For example, many car owners are eliminating collision from their insurance in case their car has a low value which makes sense.

  • Car insurance is an expense that you cannot avoid
  • You can reduce the cost of this expense by eliminating some features
  • Conducting research can help you get the best rates

3. Check local private garages

Many car owners are following the instructions of the car salons where they have bought their new car and they are taking their cars to the official dealership for maintenance. The same goes for many people who have purchased used cars and who want to take good care of their vehicles.

While it’s true that this is a good idea, it’s also true that a practice like this often adds up to car expenses. So, if you want to reduce car expenses, you might consider using a local private garage. But, be careful because a decision like this can sometimes do more harm than good.

In order to avoid any problems, you should do thorough research and identify the best private garages in your area. Read reviews, check forums and discussion boards and analyze the background and reputation of the garage before leaving your vehicle there.

  • You don’t have to use your dealership for maintenance
  • Choose a reputable private garage in your area to save money
  • Focus on garages that have experience with your car’s make and model

4. Don’t let the tires get improperly inflated

Some of you might think that this advice is all about safety, but it turns out that you can reduce car expenses in this way too. As you are probably aware, properly inflated tires will help you avoid accidents on the road.

In addition, if the tires are inflated properly, you will also get optimal gas mileage. Underinflated tires lead to poor fuel economy which means more trips to the gas station. If everything is okay with the tire pressure all the time, you can expect steady gas mileage.

If your tires are more than 3 years old and they are showing signs of wear and tear and you have to regulate the pressure frequently, maybe you should consider buying new tires.

  • Always keep the tires properly inflated
  • If the time has come for you to buy new tires, don’t postpone this procedure
  • Gas mileage is affected by tire pressure

5. Rely on manufacturer’s recommendations

When you get a car, you will also get a manual for your car. Even if you have lost this manual, you can always find these manufacturer’s recommendations online. So, take some time and get familiar with these recommendations.

The basic idea here is to ensure that you are changing car parts in a timely manner. This is a good way to reduce car expenses. Namely, if you are replacing car parts before it is necessary, you will lose money without a good reason. On the other hand, in case you are replacing them later, your car might be affected in a negative way and you might witness some costly problems.

There are a few things that have to be replaced or at least checked after some period of time or after some mileage. For example, you should definitely change the timing belt before it causes problems. In most cases, you have to replace the fuel filter once a year or every two years. Of course, you should also pay attention to the tires, brakes, and shocks.

The good thing is that the majority of modern cars don’t need a major tune-up before they hit 100.000 miles. So, there is no need to invest hundreds of dollars before you actually need a major service procedure.

  • Follow the recommendations related to replacements provided by the manufacturer
  • Don’t perform major services before (or long after) the recommended mileage/period of time
  • Take a good look at the replaceable parts every now and then

6. Change the oil only when necessary

This advice is especially useful for those who are doing this very frequently and the ones that have the practice to drive out of urban areas on a regular basis. So, if you drive your car almost always in the city, you might want to ignore this tip.

As previously mentioned, every car is different, but generally speaking, you can change the oil after 5000 miles or more. It all depends on the car make and model and your driving practices. Urban drivers might want to lower this number to 3000-4000 miles while people that are driving their cars everywhere can do this after 5000, 6000 or even 7000 miles.

What is important to understand in case you want to reduce car expenses in this way is that infrequent driving doesn’t change the fact that you should probably change oil two times a year. It’s a good idea to consult your car’s manual or local mechanic about this question. In any case, don’t rush to change your oil too frequently without consultation.

  • Save money by limiting the number of times you are changing the oil
  • Determine whether you need to change oil by analyzing your driving habits
  • Find out how frequently you should change the oil by talking to a professional mechanic

7. Wash your car yourself

Let’s be honest – no one is eager to visit the local car wash. For many people, this is a complete waste of time that they can use on anything else. On top of that, you have to pay for the service and in many cases, the price can be quite high especially if you add waxing to the procedure.

If you have a yard you can finish this procedure yourself.

All you need is basic equipment and cleaning products and of course – a sunny day. You can turn this procedure into a fun activity with your family. So, you can reduce car expenses and have fun at the same time. Washing and waxing a car yourself is easy.

  • If you have a yard, wash your car yourself
  • You don’t need much to complete this procedure
  • Wash your car whenever you want and use the help of your family

8. Use adequate gas

There are many people that own cars who believe that using premium gas instead of regular gas can make their cars run better. The truth is that they are wrong because you should always use the recommended type of gas in your car.

In fact, using premium gas in a car that runs on regular gas can damage the engine in some cases. While it’s true that saving a few cents per gallon doesn’t seem much, it’s also true that if you are driving your car regularly, you are buying dozens of gallons per year. In other words, you can significantly reduce car expenses and protect your car.

  • Purchase regular instead of premium gas (if regular gas is recommended for your car)
  • This is a long-term strategy to reduce car expenses
  • It is possible to damage the engine by using inadequate gas

9. Use preventive maintenance

Experienced car owners know that it’s impossible to stay away from mechanical problems related to cars, no matter how well you are taking care of your car. But, the truth is that preventive maintenance can help you avoid many unexpected situations.

So, if you want to cut down car expenses, you might consider conducting preventive maintenance. Needless to say, by stopping problems before they actually occur, you will be able to extend the life of the car and certain car parts.

There are numerous cases where car owners had to fix major car problems simply because they didn’t identify a small problem a month ago. This is exactly why preventive maintenance is helpful.

  • Take care of the problems in the initial stages
  • Preventive maintenance is cheap
  • Your car will last longer with the help of this approach

10. Don’t opt for an extended warranty

Having a warranty for your car is definitely a good idea, but is it a good idea to have an extended warranty? In many cases, an extended warranty is just an unnecessary car expense. In case you are looking for something that can help you reduce car expenses, then you should avoid this warranty.

Typically, you will have to pay more than you can expect to get from this type of warranty. That’s why most experts recommend an in-depth analysis of extended warranties before buying them. There are many other things that can help you protect your car in a better way like proper maintenance for example.

  • Most of the extended warranties on the market provide less than you will pay for
  • It’s usually better to focus on proper maintenance
  • If you still want an extended warranty, perform an in-depth analysis of the things you can expect

11. Use rewards credit cards

What’s the most important resource that keeps your car driving? The obvious answer is – gasoline. This is one of the car expenses that we can’t avoid. But, what if there’s a way to reduce car expenses related to gasoline in a simple way?

Did you know that there are many banks and gas stations that are offerings specially designed rewards credit cards (or regular cards) that provide an instant price cut at gas stations? Do your homework and find card options like this available in your area. It’s also good to know that there are many gas stations that have cashback offers that you might find helpful.

  • Do your homework and look for rewards credit cards
  • Use the chance to save money with a cashback offer
  • Search for coupons and discounts

12. Drive properly

This seems like general advice that is unclear for some readers. To make things clearer, we will elaborate on this advice and show you how driving properly can reduce car expenses in a short period of time.

Are you one of those drivers who like to put the pedal to the metal? Do you lack a specific driving style and you tend to drive slowly on some days and very fast on other days? If the answer to these questions is affirmative you might want to evaluate your driving and introduce some changes.

You probably don’t need research to realize that speeding up as well as slowing down in a proper way can help you save a lot of money on gas. The same goes for the car parts that can suffer in case you are pushing them to their limits.

  • Be gentle on your car – drive it in a normal way
  • Don’t speed up and slow down abruptly
  • If you want to drive faster, hit the freeway (but respect the signs)

13. Have a good plan

You are probably wondering how your plan for your daily tasks has an impact on car expenses. Well, it’s actually quite easy to understand why we are advising something like this. For instance, let’s say that you have to visit three places today and you have to use your car.

It would be much better to visit the point that is furthest from your home first and visit the rest of the locations after that. If you visit the point that’s in the middle, you might have to go back and forth a few times which will affect your gas.

Spend just a few minutes making a plan in advance and find out which route is the best to save money and time. The good thing is that modern people have access to mobile applications for Android-based phones and iPhones like Google Maps that can help them take the best routes. This is a simple, yet effective way to reduce car expenses.

  • Make a plan for your next trip in advance
  • Rely on modern mobile apps if you have a smartphone
  • Be practical

14. Ditch the car that you are not actually using

Many modern families have more than one car in their possession. Most of them use these cars regularly while others use one of the cars on a regular basis and the others occasionally. Obviously, if you are not using some of the cars regularly and you don’t need it, you should sell it. This is an obvious way to reduce car expenses.

But, even if there’s an additional car that’s used frequently, it might be a good idea to consider selling it. Two cars mean two insurance policies, more costs on expenses, more fuel, etc. In some cases, it’s better to spend a few minutes more to drop off your spouse to work and take her back then to spend a lot of money on the other car.

  • Consider selling one of the cars that you are not using
  • Analyze whether you things can work out if your family has just one car
  • You can cut the cost of car ownership significantly by selling cars that you don’t need

15. Consider replacing your old car with a new one

Are you thinking about new cars lately? Is it time to say goodbye to your old car? Or maybe you think that your used car has many miles to drive in the future? Regardless of your personal feelings, it’s time to consider replacing your old car with a new one in case the old one is over five years old.

Of course, this is a huge investment, but in many cases, it’s a reasonable investment for car owners who want to reduce car expenses. Truth be told, old cars are prone to repairs and they usually need more gas to pass the same mileage than before.

On the other hand, new cars are made in a way that saves more fuel and they come with car parts that won’t need a replacement for years. As we have mentioned above, many new cars come with warranties that last for years which mean that even if something goes wrong with your new vehicle, the dealership will take care of it for free.

  • New cars can save you money in the long run
  • Old cars tend to spend more gas and they are prone to repairs
  • New cars come with warranties

16. Avoid hard braking

This is a common problem among aggressive drivers, but also among people who are not quite secure when they are driving their cars. If you belong to one of these categories of drivers, the fact that you can reduce car expenses by changing your driving style might encourage you to try a different style.

According to some surveys, drivers that are not easy on their brakes and tend to perform hard braking frequently, also have to change their brakes more frequently. For instance, if the average life of brakes is around 20000 or even 30000 miles, aggressive/insecure drivers will have to change the brake pads after 10000 miles. We can all agree that these are huge savings. It’s obvious that this is a good way to improve safety while driving.

  • Don’t overuse the brakes
  • Don’t drive aggressively
  • You can save changing braking pads up to 4 times by driving in a proper way

17. Check gas rates

There are literally hundreds of gas stations out there. Most people are using the nearest gas stations whenever they notice that the car’s gas level is low. So, in order to save money with the help of gas, you can do two things.

First of all, you have to check the level of gas regularly. You don’t have to wait for the yellow light to turn on before you visit a gas station. The other thing that you can do in this case is to download a mobile application. There are dozens of apps like this created for both Android and iOS mobile devices.

Make sure that the ones you want to download gas information about gas price and gas stations in your area. Compare the rates and visit the one that offers the best rates. Of course, the station should be relatively close to your location because if it’s located far away, you’ll spend more than you will be able to save.

  • Use a mobile application to check gas rates
  • Visit the local gas station with the best gas price
  • Don’t wait until you run out of gas

18. Don’t overuse the A/C system

In case your car has an air conditioning system, you don’t have to keep it on all the time. Some cars have automatic AC, but many of them still have manual systems which mean that the driver has to regulate the system on their own.

So, if there’s no need for the air conditioning to run, you should turn it off. In addition, if the weather is hot, try to set the AC to a higher temperature. The lower temperature you set, the worse fuel economy you can expect. Finally, you should ensure that the level of Freon in the system is suitable. If there’s not enough Freon then you might be wasting your money.

  • Learn to turn off the AC system when you don’t need it
  • Set the temperature to higher
  • Try to drive your car without turning on your AC

19. Avoid idling

As a driver, you will probably find yourself in many situations when you have to park and wait for someone. When you do, it’s highly recommended to turn off the engine. Are you aware of the fact that idling can consume up to half a gallon of fuel in just one hour?

Some people might say that turning the engine on again consumes gas too. While this is true, it’s also true that this is just a small percentage that can’t be compared to the amount spent while idling. You can spend dozens of dollars a year if you are idling frequently. This is a nice way to reduce car expenses without making much effort.

  • Turning your engine off and on again is better in terms of savings compared to idling
  • Idling pollutes nature
  • Idling can spend up to half gallon gas in one hour


It might take some time to try the tips we have shared here, but they are definitely worth it. By following these tips, you can reduce car expenses and use this money on something useful. We hope that this guide will help you enjoy driving without worrying about your budget.