How to Make Money on Youtube – 10 Best Ways

Have you ever wondered how to make money on YouTube? After all, there are thousands of YouTubers out there who actually make a living doing just that. But how do they do it? What are the secrets to making a living just by posting videos online? In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to make money on YouTube with little effort at all
  • How to monetize your YouTube channel to make more money
  • Ideas for content to include on your YouTube channel

Let’s start making money! Here’s how to earn income by posting videos online.

Know the Rules

If you want to post videos on YouTube you’re going to have to know the rules. YouTube doesn’t allow certain types of content on its site, so there are topics you’ll definitely want to stay away from. Anything pornographic, dangerous, harmful or violent will be flagged and removed from YouTube – you won’t make money with this type of content. In fact, you may be banned for life. You’ll also want to stay away from bullying, threatening or harassing content.

Of course, you’ll not want to infringe on anyone’s copyright, either. Make sure that the videos you post are yours. If they’re not, you’ll want to make sure you have written permission to use them. For instance, you can’t post clips from a movie you’ve seen in the theater on YouTube – it’s just not allowed.

Make sure you know and follow the rules. To keep it simple, just keep it clean and make sure your content is your own. You can’t go wrong posting original content that’s family-friendly.

So what do you post? Here are some ideas you can use to launch your YouTube channel and make money! (You have our permission to use them!)

1. Unbox the good stuff

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Minimal

Video Length: 2-4 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Minimal

Time to Record: 2-4 Minutes

There are a lot of things we don’t understand about YouTube, but those things often translate into big money. One of those things is the unboxing video. These videos are just exactly what the name suggests. A YouTuber will receive a package in the mail, or buy something at the store, and unbox it in front of a YouTube audience.

Your unboxing video can uncover literally anything at all. Whether you’re opening a Kinder Egg or a box you got from Amazon, your viewers will simply eat it up. We don’t know why, but unboxing is the new biggest thing on YouTube, so jump on the bandwagon!

You don’t need a lot of time or equipment to create an unboxing video. The video should take around three minutes or so, that’s all. Just be sure that you talk to your audience while you unbox, and remember to keep your content clean! You may be surprised by what’s in the box, but keep the expletives to a minimum!

  • Unboxing videos are hugely popular on YouTube
  • You can make money on YouTube just by opening boxes and products you buy
  • We’re not sure why these videos are popular, but you can gain quite a following when you post them!

2. Make some noise

Difficulty: Moderately Difficult

Cost: Varies with Video

Video Length: 10+ minutes

Equipment Needed: Varies with Video

Time to Record: 10+ Minutes

The newest YouTube craze that will allow you to make money is called ASMR. ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, and not just anyone can do it. However, if you’ve got the skill, you can make money on YouTube by posting ASMR videos.

So what is ASMR? Well, it’s noise. You’ll trigger the tingling response in your YouTube viewers by whispering, by clicking or even by eating close to a microphone. If this sounds bizarre to you, go on YouTube and check out what others have posted. You’ll quickly get the idea.

Your ASMR video will probably be around ten minutes or so. You’ll need some special equipment, too, including condenser microphones which can be quite pricey! You’ll find these mics on Amazon and other online retailers, or you may be able to get them in your nearby electronics store.

Once you’ve begun doing ASMR, have fun with it! Tap your fingers, chew some potato chips – whatever floats your boat that you think your audience will love.

  • ASMR is a relatively new type of YouTube video
  • You’ll have to spend money to make money with ASMR – equipment can be expensive
  • You’ll need to have a measure of skill or an appropriate voice to create ASMR videos for YouTube

3. Show them how to…

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Minimal

Video Length: 3-5 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Minimal

Time to Record: 10+ Minutes

Show them how to what? Well, anything! You make money on YouTube by posting instructional videos on pretty much anything you want. You can show people how to change the cabin air filter in their car, or how to manicure a toddler’s nails. If you know how to do it, you can teach others how as well.

Your instructional video should be clear and concise, so speak up and enunciate your words. Keep your instructions simple, for instance a step-by-step format will work well. Other than that, the sky’s the limit! You can literally instruct anyone to do anything at all.

When you make and post instructional videos, don’t be afraid to be silly about it. You’ll get more views and earn more money if you can laugh and joke with your audience. If that doesn’t sound like your style, that’s okay. You can be serious, but be sure you at least look approachable on camera.

  • If you know how to do something well, you can make money on YouTube teaching others how to do it too
  • You don’t have to be serious on your YouTube videos – have fun with your audience
  • You can instruct people on pretty much anything at all, from trimming hair to grooming your dog

4. Play a game

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Minimal

Video Length: 20 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Just a Game

Time to Record: 30-40 Minutes

Folks, you would be amazed at how many people simply do not want to read the instructions on board games. Then, there are the games that require complicated setup – people want to see the game in action before they begin to play.

You can make money on YouTube just by playing your favorite games! Whether it’s Mahjong or Monopoly, there’s an audience out there who wants to see how it’s done. So get a few friends and some drinks, grab a board game or other game, and let the play begin!

Note that your audience probably doesn’t want to see you play an entire two hour game of Monopoly. Feel free to play with your buddies, then edit for time and content later. You can still make money with a “shortened” version of the game – the point is simply to explain the rules.

  • You can make money on YouTube by showing others how to play your favorite games
  • You’ll probably need some buddies to help you with this one
  • When you’re done playing, be sure to edit your video for content and time

5. The best of the best

Difficulty: Moderate

Cost: Varies with Video

Video Length: 2-4 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Varies with Video

Time to Record: 10+ Minutes

Is there something you know a lot about, and you want to share that knowledge with others? You can create a “best of” video and make money on YouTube. Your video can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, and you actually don’t need to invest any money at all if you don’t want to.

There are hundreds of ideas you can grab to create a best of video. You can list the 20 best attractions for families in Paris. You can create a list of the creepiest hauntings caught on camera. Or the best shoes for youth soccer. You get the point.

It’s usually more effective if your best of video is something you’re knowledgeable about, but if you like, you also have the option of making a series. The choice is yours, but try to keep your videos and your brand consistent from video to video.

  • You can earn money by creating video lists
  • Anything you’re knowledgeable about is just fine for these videos – use your imagination!
  • If you create a video series, try to keep your brand image consistent

6. Get fit on film

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Minimal

Video Length: 10 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Workout Equipment if Desired

Time to Record: 10 Minutes

Do you love to exercise? Share your passion and make money on YouTube when you create workout videos others can follow along with. You don’t need any expensive equipment. Just strap on a pair of athletic shoes and some workout gear and get moving.

You don’t need to be a personal trainer or expert to create workout videos. It’s best, though, to include a disclaimer on your video. Tell your audience that you’re not a licensed professional and they undertake physical activity at their own risk. There’s little chance someone’s going to fall and sue you, but you never know, so it’s best to do a little CYA.

Your video shouldn’t be super long – maybe about ten minutes or so – and should include clear instructions. That means you’re going to need to be able to talk while you exercise, so keep it light! And if you do make your video in a health club, be sure to ask the owner’s permission.

  • If you love exercise, you can make money on YouTube sharing your workout routine
  • Be sure to include a disclaimer on your video – people can sue for very dumb reasons
  • Make sure the exercise you do on your video isn’t so strenuous that you won’t be able to talk to your audience!

7. Reviews are a big hit

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Moderate

Video Length: 2-4 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Varies with Video

Time to Record: 10+ Minutes

Do you like to travel? To eat out? Do you love sharing your opinion about products and places with others? If so, you may be able to make money on YouTube by posting reviews. You can review absolutely anything, from theme parks and hotels to restaurants and even car dealerships.

As with reviews of any public place, you’ll want to be sure you don’t get yourself in trouble. Be kind to the people you’re working with and, even if your review isn’t a good one, be sure to use common sense. In some parts of the world you can get into really big trouble for slandering a business.

If you want to keep it simple, you can just review things you have around the house. Compare two brands of cream cheese, for example, or show off the new clothes you just bought yourself.

  • Reviews on YouTube are very popular – you can make money posting reviews
  • You don’t have to be elaborate – you can just review things you have around your house
  • Remember to be kind to the people you’re working with – after all, their business may depend on it

8. Get cookin’

Difficulty: Moderate

Cost: Varies with Video

Video Length: 10-20 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Moderate

Time to Record: 10+ Minutes

Do you love to cook? Love trying out new recipes? Are you a master at creating a five course meal from just a few ingredients? Good news! You can make money on YouTube! People are always looking for great recipes to try – why not teach them how to make your favorites?

You’re going to need a little skill for this one. Ask any cooking show host – it can be hard to explain everything you’re doing in the kitchen while you’re doing it. You’ll also likely need a tripod or some other setup so that you can keep your camera stationary.

Aside from that, though, all you need is some food and some creativity. For even more fun, cook with some friends or with your partner. Two in the kitchen is always more fun!

  • If you love to cook, you can post cooking tutorials on YouTube and earn money
  • For even more fun, cook with a friend!
  • You’ll need a bit of equipment for this YouTube video idea, so make sure you have everything on hand before you launch your channel

9. Share your music

Difficulty: Easy

Cost: Minimal

Video Length: 2-4 Minutes

Equipment Needed: Minimal

Time to Record: 2-4 Minutes

If you sing, play an instrument or have any musical talent at all, you can share your music and make money on YouTube. Don’t be shy! Set up your microphone or just your cell phone and get recording. You can record a cover of another artist’s song, or you can share an original piece. It doesn’t matter, so long as you don’t infringe on anyone’s copyrights.

If you’re just using a cell phone to record your music, we do recommend you run your video by a friend first. Sometimes the sound quality you’ll get from phones isn’t great, and the last thing you want is to sound tinny or like you’re echoing.

We can’t guarantee you’ll be signed by a major record label when you share your music on YouTube, but you never know! If nothing else, your video will help get the word out about you and your talent.

  • If you’re musically adept, you can share your music online and make money on YouTube
  • Your song choice doesn’t matter so long as you give proper credit where it’s due – to the original artist
  • Run your recording by a friend to make sure the sound quality is good enough to post on YouTube

10. Make a documentary or mockumentary

Difficulty: Difficult

Cost: Varies with Video

Video Length: 30+ Minutes

Equipment Needed: Varies with Video

Time to Record: Varies with Video – usually several weeks

The last way you can make money on YouTube is by creating a documentary. What do you love to learn about? Are you interested in World War 2 history? Are you fascinated by birds in the UK? Whatever your passion, you can turn it into a money-making adventure.

Making a documentary is going to take a lot of time, so be sure you’re committed to it before you begin. It can be as inexpensive or expensive as you’d like. For instance, you can simply use stock images or you can travel to the destinations covered in your documentary!

A large part of the time you spend making your documentary is going to be editing, so keep that in mind. If you want to do something a bit more humorous, you can create a mockumentary. These are fun little movies that poke fun at real documentaries, and they’re a great way to make people laugh.

  • Creating a documentary is time consuming, so be sure you’re committed to doing it
  • You can keep your project as expensive or inexpensive as you like
  • Any topic you’re interested in is a great topic for a documentary – or a mockumentary


Thousands of people are making money by posting videos on YouTube – you can be one of them! Know the rules of YouTube before you post, then have a ball! Whatever interests you is bound to interest someone else as well, so get your creativity flowing and start making money posting videos on YouTube.